The Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity was founded at the University of Virginia on March 1, 1868. At the time, the University of Virginia was the fifth largest school in the United States, and was considered the first truly American state university, because it was the first to be established totally free from religious control.
It all started in Room 47 West Range when Frederick Southgate Taylor turned to Littleton Waller Tazewell, his cousin and roommate, for help in starting a new fraternity. Also present were James Benjamin Sclater, Jr., a schoolmate of Tazewell, and Sclater’s roommate, Robertson Howard. Those four men voted to add a fifth to their group and chose Julian Edward Wood. In addition, William Alexander, probably a friend of Sclater, was proposed for membership and admitted as a founder.
The essence of the Founders’ vision for Pi Kappa Alpha can be found in its Preamble. A committee was first suggested by Brother William Alexander “to draw up a statement of the origin and the organization of the Fraternity.” The committee was composed of brothers Robertson Howard and Littleton Waller Tazewell.
The resulting statement is now referred to as the Preamble.
“For the establishment of friendship on a firmer and more lasting basis; for the promotion of brotherly love and kind feeling; for the mutual benefit and advancement of the interests of those with whom we sympathize and deem worthy of our regard; We have resolved to form a fraternity, believing that, thus we can most successfully accomplish our object.”
Read more about our Fraternity’s history on our national website: www.pikes.org
With this in mind, we have decided produce The Fireman newsletter biannually. This focus will help our members stay in touch and will cultivate awareness and involvement with Gamma Theta. It is important for all brothers to stay informed about the collegiate chapter and what our younger brothers are accomplishing on campus and in the community. While there may be some differences in today’s chapter compared to the one you knew, there is an unbroken chain of Pikes at Mississippi State. In order to preserve that legacy, now is the appropriate time to secure our future at MSU.
Today, perhaps more than ever, college fraternities play a pivotal role in shaping the lives of young men. We all know that Pi Kappa Alpha can provide a solid foundation for young men by offering a small-group living environment and opportunities for high academic achievement and the development of leadership and social skills. As alumni, it is our duty to provide those opportunities for future generations.
Our beloved chapter house has been the heart of our brotherhood for nearly 90 years and has provided a home away from home for generations of Gamma Thetas; however, as the university continues to invest in modern, updated dormitories, the House Corporation must address our need to provide a safe, competitive, and modern facility on the MSU campus.
We recognize these challenges and are dedicated to providing an educationally conducive environment and a modern facility for college men well into the future. So as Gamma Theta continues to send outstanding young men to post-college life, we maintain a solid foundation on Pi Kappa Alpha’s principles housed at 103 Clyde Q Sheely Circle.
Jay Cook ’02
House Corporation President
(662) 418-9605